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Amateur Radio "World's Greatest Hobby"


Indy Midtown Amateur Radio Club was founded in 2001. Our principle purpose is for support of two Marion County Repeaters (145.210 and 444.000). These repeaters are used by licensed Ham radio operators for communication to support parade and marathon security. We are also heavily involved in the national (Amateur Radio) event once a year "Field Day"

OMIK      QCWA      ARRL Logo

Above Organizations

OMIK stands for Ohio, Michigan, Indiana and, Kentucky.  QCWA stands for "Quarter Century Wireless Association" (in order to be a member you must have been a licensed Ham for 25 years or more.  ARRL stands for "Amateur Radio Relay League" worlds largest amateur radio association.

Famous Hams 1  Famous Hams 2 Famous Hams 3

Indianapolis Area Repeaters

6 meter repeaters 52.700 51.700 K9IPL IPL ARC 53.010 52.010 K9TNW HQ RC 2 meter repeaters 145.210 - NE9T IndyMidARC 145.370 - W9GTA MidAmRC 146.625 - W9IRA Indy RA 146.670 - K9IPL IPL ARC 146.700 - W9IRA Indy RA 146.760 - K9LPW CentIN RA 146.880 - W9RCA RCA ARC 146.970 - W9ICE ICE 147.075 + KA9GIX 147.120 + W9IRA Indy RA 147.210 + KC9JYA Indpls EM 147.315 + K9DC 1.25 meter repeaters 224.500 - KC9COP 224.540 - KB9RBF 224.580 - N9ILS 224.980 - W9ICE 70 centimeter repeaters 441.200 + W9AMT 442.000 + KA9GIX 442.375 + K9DC 442.500 + WA9MVP 442.650 + W9ICE 442.725 + W9SEM 442.850 + NF9K 442.950 + KB9RBF 443.000 + WB9PGW 443.200 + N9ILS 443.250 + KM9E 443.425 + K9IP 443.600 + W9VCS 443.750 + K9LPW 443.800 + KC9COP 443.850 + W9IRA 443.950 + WB9OLI 444.000 + NE9T IndyMidARC 444.325 + KB9SGN 444.875 + KA9GI